Direction: Anne Belle
The best movies, series, and documentaries directed by Anne Belle. Explore exceptional titles that showcase a unique filmmaking vision.
Titles found: 2
Suzanne Farrell: Elusive Muse
1996 · Documentary · 90 min. · United States
Direction Anne Belle · Deborah Dickson
Synopsis Romantic triangles. Unconsummated passion. Jealousy. Revenge. Just another day offstage at the New York City Ballet for ballerina Suzanne Farrell and her mentor, legendary choreographer George Balanchine. Elusive Muse traces...
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Dancing for Mr. B: Six Balanchine Ballerinas
1990 · Documentary · 87 min. · United States
Direction Anne Belle · Deborah Dickson
Synopsis The great choreographer George Balanchine, who died 1983, was renowned not only for his beautiful ballets, but also for his ballerinas. This lovely documentary portrays six of Balanchine's celebrated American...
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