Direction: Sut Jhally
The best movies, series, and documentaries directed by Sut Jhally. Explore exceptional titles that showcase a unique filmmaking vision.
Titles found: 3
Peace, Propaganda & the Promised Land
2004 · Documentary · 80 min. · United States
Direction Sut Jhally · Bathsheba Ratzkoff
Synopsis This video shows how the foreign policy interests of American political elites-working in combination with Israeli public relations strategies-influence US news reporting about the Middle East conflict. Combining American and British TV news clips with observations of analysts, journalists and...
21 votes
21 votes
No Logo
2003 · Documentary · 40 min. · United States
Direction Sut Jhally
Cast Naomi Klein
Synopsis In the age of the brand, logos are everywhere. But why do some of the world's best-known brands find themselves on the wrong end of the spray paint can # the targets of anti-corporate campaigns by activists and protestors? No...
199 votes
199 votes
Reel Bad Arabs: How Hollywood Vilifies a People (TV)
2006 · Documentary · 50 min. · United States
Direction Jeremy Earp · Sut Jhally
Cast Jack Shaheen
Synopsis This groundbreaking documentary dissects a slanderous aspect of cinematic history that has run virtually unchallenged form the earliest days of silent film to today's biggest Hollywood blockbusters. Featuring acclaimed author Dr. Jack Shaheen, the film explores a long line of...
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