Direction: Artour Aristakisian

The best movies, series, and documentaries directed by Artour Aristakisian. Explore exceptional titles that showcase a unique filmmaking vision.


1994 · Documentary · 139 min. · Russia

Direction Artour Aristakisian

Synopsis Acclaimed docudrama that received many international awards. Hands is an innovative film which returns us to the very roots of cinema. Although usually described as docudrama, like any new phenomenon...


69 votes


69 votes

A Place on Earth

2001 · Movie · 125 min. · Russia

Direction Artour Aristakisian

Cast Anna Chernova · Vitali Khayev · Nonna Grishayeva · Inna Verbitskaya

Synopsis The film follows a group of homeless living in a community in the center of Moscow. It is the story of six couples who, despite their despair and poverty surround...


67 votes


67 votes