Direction: Enrique Lojo
The best movies, series, and documentaries directed by Enrique Lojo. Explore exceptional titles that showcase a unique filmmaking vision.
Titles found: 2
Direction Enrique Lojo · David Sainz
Cast José Manuel Poga · Malena Alterio · Javier Botet · Raúl Cimas
Synopsis On the day the apocalypse is due to arrive, Tomás wakes up hungover in the middle of an orgy in a well-known shopping mall. Months ago, faced with the news of the end of the world, he abandoned his wife...
3K votes
3K votes
Una vida menos en Canarias
2024 · Series · 50 min. · Spain
Direction Fran Carballal · Enrique Lojo · Curro Royo · Inma Torrente
Cast Ginés García Millán · Natalia Verbeke · Paco Marín · Sergio Momo
Synopsis Luis Lacasa, a prestigious homicide inspector in Madrid, is forced to accept a transfer to the Canary Islands and adapt to everything he detests: the heat, the sand, and the tourists, but above all, to Naira, a charismatic inspector and...
347 votes
347 votes