Direction: Nathalie Labarthe

The best movies, series, and documentaries directed by Nathalie Labarthe. Explore exceptional titles that showcase a unique filmmaking vision.

Direction Nathalie Labarthe

Cast Pedro Almodóvar · Antonio Banderas

Synopsis 40 years ago, 'Passions' labyrinth' was released, the film that united the roads of Pedro Almodóvar and Antonio Banderas. Since then they have made some of the most emblematic films of contemporary Spanish cinema and their faces and works are...


62 votes


62 votes

Sharon Stone. Survival Instinct

2024 · Documentary · 52 min. · France

Direction Nathalie Labarthe

Cast Sharon Stone

Synopsis The documentary covers all the stages of the actress Sharon Stone, from B-movies, through her film debut with Woody Allen in "Memoirs of a Star", her supporting role in "Total Recall", her late consecration with her iconic role in "Basic...


93 votes


93 votes