Direction: Thomas Bidegain
The best movies, series, and documentaries directed by Thomas Bidegain. Explore exceptional titles that showcase a unique filmmaking vision.
Titles found: 3
Direction Thomas Bidegain
Cast François Damiens · Finnegan Oldfield · Agathe Dronne · Ellora Torchia
Synopsis A father sets out to find his missing daughter with the help of his son.
1K votes
1K votes
Direction Thomas Bidegain
Cast Gilles Lellouche · Mélanie Thierry
Synopsis Based on the French-language novel Soudain Seuls, follows a couple that must fight for survival after they become stranded on an island which was supposed to be their dream journey.
377 votes
377 votes
Direction Tristan Aurouet · Thomas Bidegain · Marc Fitoussi · Cyril Gelblat
Cast Manu Payet · Blanche Gardin · Elsa Zylberstein · Max Boublil
Synopsis In a world where digital technology has invaded our lives, some of us end up cracked. Addicted or technophobic, with family or at school, at work or in love, Smiley...
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