Cinematography: Jimmy Court

The best movies, series, and documentaries with cinematography by Jimmy Court. Explore visually stunning titles that highlight an exceptional filmmaking.

Direction Tristan de Vere Cole

Cast Patrick Troughton · Frazer Hines · Deborah Watling · Derrick Gilbert

Synopsis The TARDIS materialises on board a spaceship, the Silver Carrier, where the Doctor and Jamie are attacked by a Servo Robot. Jamie manages to contact a nearby space station known as the Wheel and they are rescued. Meanwhile, the Silver...

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Doctor Who: The Smugglers (TV)

1966 · Movie · 97 min. · United Kingdom

Direction Julia Smith

Cast William Hartnell · Michael Craze · Anneke Wills · John Ringham

Synopsis The TARDIS arrives on the coast of seventeenth century Cornwall - much to the astonishment of Polly and Ben. Pirates led by Captain Samuel Pike and his henchman Cherub are searching for a hidden treasure, while a smuggling ring masterminded...

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