Cinematography: John Mason

The best movies, series, and documentaries with cinematography by John Mason. Explore visually stunning titles that highlight an exceptional filmmaking.

Direction David Maloney

Cast Tom Baker · Louise Jameson · John Bennett · Christopher Benjamin

Synopsis A fan-favourite story, mixing elements from Sherlock Holmes, Jack the Ripper, The Phantom of the Opera, Fu Manchu and other myths. The Doctor and Leela find themselves in Victorian London. Girls are being kidnapped off the street, ghosts have been...


36 votes


36 votes

Direction Marilyn Fox

Cast Richard Dempsey · Sophie Cook · Jonathan R. Scott · Sophie Wilcox

Synopsis 4 kids travel to the magical land of Narnia where they must battle an evil queen with the direction of the Lion, Aslan.


164 votes


164 votes

Direction Alex Kirby

Cast Richard Dempsey · Sophie Cook · Jonathan R. Scott · Sophie Wilcox

Synopsis Young Prince Caspian of Narnia wonders and dreams about the old days of Narnia when animals talked, and there were mythical creatures and four rulers in Caer Paravel. But his uncle and aunt don't like to hear him thinking of...


98 votes


98 votes

Doctor Who: Robot (TV)

1975 · Movie · 98 min. · United Kingdom

Direction Christopher Barry

Cast Elisabeth Sladen · Nicholas Courtney · Ian Marter · John Levene

Synopsis A newly regenerated Doctor joins UNIT in an investigation into the theft of top secret plans and equipment from supposedly secure premises. Sarah discovers that the raids have been carried out by a robot invented by scientist Professor Kettlewell while...

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