Cinematography: Michael Bennett
The best movies, series, and documentaries with cinematography by Michael Bennett. Explore visually stunning titles that highlight an exceptional filmmaking.
Titles found: 2
Bones and Names
2023 · Movie · 102 min. · Germany
Direction Fabian Stumm
Cast Fabian Stumm · Knut Berger · Marie-Lou Sellem · Milena Dreissig
Synopsis Boris and Jonathan's relationship is at a turning point. Actor Boris begins to confuse work and reality and writer Jonathan must face his fears.
42 votes
42 votes
Direction Fabian Stumm
Cast Fabian Stumm · Haley Louise Jones · Ulrica Flach · Jonas Dassler
Synopsis Joseph and Sonya share a close friendship and their young son Pino whom they are raising together. While Joseph is working on a new film...
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