Cast: Shani Ben Haim
Top movies, series, and documentaries starring Shani Ben Haim. Uncover the most acclaimed works, loved by fans and praised by critics.
Titles found: 2
Direction Avishai Sivan
Cast Aharon Traitel · Khalifa Natour · Riki Blich · Gur Sheinberg
Synopsis Haim-Aaron is a bright, Ultra-Orthodox religious scholar living in Jerusalem. One evening, following a self-imposed fast, Haim-Aaron collapses and loses consciousness. The paramedics announce his death, but his father takes over resuscitation efforts and, beyond all expectations, Haim-Aaron comes back...
46 votes
46 votes
The Wanderer
2010 · Movie · 86 min. · Israel
Direction Avishai Sivan
Cast Ali Al Nassar · Tami Barak · Rami Baruch · Shani Ben Haim
Synopsis Isaac, a young yeshiva student, is an only child to born again orthodox parents. Trapped in a dysfunctional family and a failing body, Isaac finds refuge in wandering. Tormented by his newfound infertility, Isaac looks for answers in his father...
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