Cast: Ardina Rasti

Top movies, series, and documentaries starring Ardina Rasti. Uncover the most acclaimed works, loved by fans and praised by critics.

Virgin's Shroud

2010 · Movie · 75 min. · Indonesia

Direction Nayato Fio Nuala

Cast Smitha Anjani · Ratu Felisha · Sarah Jane · Ardina Rasti

Synopsis Rasti and her friends are recording a video in an abandoned train station. During the filming something strange happens and they decide to film an horror movie using the trains....

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2005 · Movie · 114 min. · Indonesia

Direction Hanny Saputra

Cast Laudya Cynthia Bella · Ardina Rasti · Angie Virgin · Mike Muliadro

Synopsis Three Indonesian girls, high school friends, go on a journey where money, sex, violence and alcohol seems to be superior to their own wishes and dreams.

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