Cast: Maximilien Muller
Top movies, series, and documentaries starring Maximilien Muller. Uncover the most acclaimed works, loved by fans and praised by critics.
Titles found: 2
Little Fadette (TV)
2004 · Movie · 95 min. · France
Direction Michaëla Watteaux
Cast Mélanie Bernier · Jérémie Rénier · Richard Bohringer · Annie Girardot
Synopsis Landry and Sylvinet are identical twins who are distraught when they are separated at the age of fourteen. Sent to work on the neighboring farm because phylloxera has ruined his...
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Direction Volker Schlöndorff
Cast Philippe Torreton · Ayanat Ksenbai · David Bennent · Maximilien Muller
Synopsis Somewhere in the endless steppes of Central Asia lies a treasure. One man holds the key to it, a fragment of an ancient map. But in his restless quest, Charles...
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