Cast: Santi López
Top movies, series, and documentaries starring Santi López. Uncover the most acclaimed works, loved by fans and praised by critics.
Titles found: 2
Mist & the Maiden
2017 · Movie · 104 min. · Spain
Direction Andrés Koppel
Cast Quim Gutiérrez · Verónica Echegui · Aura Garrido · Roberto Álamo
Synopsis The sergeant of the Civil Guard Bevilaqua and his assistant, Corporal Chamorro entrust them with the task of reactivating the investigation of the death of Ivan, a crazy young man, who happened on the island of La Gomera three years...
3K votes
3K votes
Direction Pablo Fajardo
Cast Santi López · Leandro González
Synopsis With only 23 years old, Manuel Hernández travels to El Hierro to spend his vacations. Shortly after arriving, the Spanish Civil War breaks out and the military authorities do not hesitate to go and look for him. Trapped in the...
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