Cast: Luna Pamiés
Top movies, series, and documentaries starring Luna Pamiés. Uncover the most acclaimed works, loved by fans and praised by critics.
Titles found: 2
Direction Elena López Riera
Cast Luna Pamiés · Bárbara Lennie · Nieve de Medina · Alberto Olmo
Synopsis In a small village in south-eastern Spain a popular old belief claims that some women are predestined to disappear with each flood where a storm threatens to cause the river in the village that runs through it to overflow again.
3K votes
3K votes
Direction David Valero
Cast Christian Checa · Hugo Welzel · Estefanía de los Santos · Luna Pamiés
Synopsis What would you do for your enemy? This is the story of Chimo and El Rubio, two neighborhood teenagers, victim and executioner, harassed and harasser, who have grown up as irreconcilable enemies. One day, Chimo has the opportunity to take...
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