Cast: Jorge Gallego
Top movies, series, and documentaries starring Jorge Gallego. Uncover the most acclaimed works, loved by fans and praised by critics.
Titles found: 2
Direction Adrián García Bogliano · Ramiro García Bogliano
Cast Cristina Brondo · Camila Bordonaba · Berta Muñiz · Arnaldo André
Synopsis Marga, a business woman from Spain, while working in Argentina, shows her apartment for some potential tenants. It won’t be late for her to notice that the tenants have evil...
200 votes
200 votes
Doctor infierno
2007 · Movie · 84 min. · Spain
Direction Paco Limón
Cast Arturo de Bobadilla · David Ransanz · Belinda Fernández · Jorge Gallego
Synopsis Doc Hell, famous gynecologist, wants to control the entire world. His plan: to heal the humanity using a miraculous medicine, in exchange for its complete submission. But his goals will...
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