Cast: Omero Mumba
Top movies, series, and documentaries starring Omero Mumba. Uncover the most acclaimed works, loved by fans and praised by critics.
Titles found: 2
The Time Machine
2002 · Movie · 92 min. · United States
Direction Simon Wells
Cast Guy Pearce · Samantha Mumba · Jeremy Irons · Orlando Jones
Synopsis Based on the classic sci-fi novel by H.G. Wells, scientist and inventor, Alexander Hartdegen, is determined to prove that time travel is possible. His determination is turned to desperation by a personal tragedy that now drives him to want to...
18K votes
18K votes
Once Upon a Time in Dublin
2009 · Movie · 97 min. · Ireland
Direction Jason Figgis
Cast Emmett J Scanlan · Eoin Macken · Bill Fellows · Karl Hayden
Synopsis The violent story of Jay and Jonnie Linski, two Polish-Irish brothers who try to come to terms with the brutal murder of their youngest sibling, Danny. The story follows the terrible hallucinatory visions that haunt bare-knuckle fighter Jonnie, as he...
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