Cast: Tramel

Top movies, series, and documentaries starring Tramel. Uncover the most acclaimed works, loved by fans and praised by critics.

Voyage d'agrément

1935 · Movie · 80 min. · France

Direction Christian-Jaque

Cast Tramel · Yvonne Garat · Jeanne Fusier-Gir · Maximilienne

Synopsis Jerome has made his wife to believe that he's in prison in order to spend a few days with his girlfriend. But the deal goes bad when he found himself arrested, but this time for real.

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1947 · Movie · 90 min. · France

Direction Raymond Lamy

Cast Jean Gabin · Antonin Berval · Daniel Gélin · Gisèle Préville

Synopsis Dirigeant un tripot clandestin, Pierre Lussac a su se protéger aux yeux de la loi et de la société en se faisant passer pour un homme respectable et un simple administrateur de biens. Malgré l'affection des siens, il va se...

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