Cast: Sofia de Medeiros

Top movies, series, and documentaries starring Sofia de Medeiros. Uncover the most acclaimed works, loved by fans and praised by critics.

Lies and Deception (TV)

2005 · Movie · 90 min. · Canada

Direction Louis Bélanger

Cast Mädchen Amick · Joseph Kell · Tony Calabretta · Andrew W. Walker

Synopsis A woman, who thought her husband had committed suicide, discovers that he was actually alive for the past six years. She finds out that his crazy sister put a hit on her years earlier and her husband killed the hit...


40 votes


40 votes


2001 · Movie · 100 min. · Canada

Direction Maurice Devereaux

Cast Sarah Joslyn Crowder · Tony Curtis Blondell · Kieran Keller · Jerry Sprio

Synopsis Japan's number one extreme reality show is having it's first all-American special! Six lucky contestants, chosen from thousands of applicants, will have the chance to win millions of dollars, and all they have to do is stay alive!

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Not rated