Cast: Antonio Fagundes

Top movies, series, and documentaries starring Antonio Fagundes. Uncover the most acclaimed works, loved by fans and praised by critics.

Os Sete Gatinhos

1980 · Movie · 109 min. · Brazil

Direction Neville de Almeida

Cast Antonio Fagundes · Ana Maria Magalhães · Lima Duarte · Ary Fontoura

Synopsis Noronha, who works at the Chamber of Deputies as an office boy, lives in the Grajaú with his wife, Gorda and their five unmarried daughters, Aurora, Hilda, Debora, Arlete and Silene, who is only 16 years old. This, the youngest,...

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2014 · Movie · 90 min. · Brazil

Direction José Eduardo Belmonte

Cast Antonio Fagundes · Cauã Reymond · Caio Blat · Gabriel Braga Nunes

Synopsis In 2007, the Rio de Janeiro government is preparing an operation with the police and army to invade the Complexo do Alemão, one of the largest and more dangerous slums of the South America, as part of the UPP Program...

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